Terms and Conditions for Wellfolks

Last updated: 30/10/2023

Please read these terms and conditions carefully before using wellfolk.co (the “Website”) operated by Wellfolks.

Your acceptance of and adherence to these terms will determine your ability to access and use the Website. All users, visitors, and others who access or use the website agree to these conditions.

You accept these terms by using or accessing this website. DO NOT use this website if you disagree in any way with these terms.

You accept the most recent version of our privacy policy and the most recent version of our terms by using this website. These Terms are subject to change at any moment, and any updates will be announced on this page of the website or one comparable to it. Every time you use this website, you are responsible for reading these terms again. You agree to any modifications to our Terms by using this website going forward.

By accessing this website, you understand and accept that the company may monitor any activity on it at any time, and that it may use the information gathered from that monitoring for any purpose, as long as it complies with relevant laws.

License to Use the Website

We provide you a limited, personal, non-exclusive, and non-transferable license to access and use Wellfolks, our mental health website, for the reasons for which it was designed, provided you agree to these terms and conditions. This license can be terminated at any moment, for any reason, or no reason at all.

Permitted Actions:

By using our website, you are granted the following permissions:

  • Viewing Content: You may view and browse content on the site, including publicly available articles, information, and other materials.
  • Interactions: You may engage in activities such as posting comments, participating in forums, and submitting user-generated content, subject to the terms and conditions outlined in these Terms of Use.
  • Downloading and Printing: You may download and print content for your personal, non-commercial use, provided you do not remove any copyright or proprietary notices.

Prohibited Actions:

You are expressly prohibited from the following:

  • Unauthorized Use: You may not use the Website in any manner inconsistent with these Terms of Use or applicable laws and regulations.
  • Modification: You may not modify, adapt, translate, reverse engineer, decompile, disassemble, or create derivative works from the website or its content and services.
  • Commercial Use: You may not use the Website or its content for commercial purposes without our express written consent.
  • Reproduction: You may not reproduce, duplicate, copy, sell, trade, or resell any part of the website for any purpose.
  • Unauthorized Access: You must not attempt to gain unauthorized access to any part of the Website, its servers, or its associated databases or systems.

Changes to Website Content

We might change, add, or eliminate some or all of the Content on this Site whenever. Additionally, kindly note that although we want to give precise data, certain highlights that might be presented through this website, like taking part in medical care suppliers, evaluating data, or other content, may not be exact or modern. Also, if it’s not too much trouble, note that highlights of any arrangement or plans portrayed on this Website might change after some time as allowed by regulation, including benefit levels, things remembered for any model, estimating, or arrangements of taking part providers.

Agree to Privacy Practices

You agree to our security practices, as framed in our Privacy policy. We are focused on safeguarding your personal information and respecting your privacy.

Registration and Login

You might need to register to use some of the features and services on our mental health website and application, Wellfolks. You accept the following terms and conditions by registering and logging in:

User Registration:

  • Accurate Information: During the registration process, you are required to enter complete, accurate, and up-to-date information. Your name, email address, and any other necessary information are included in this. It is your responsibility to keep your registration details up to date.
  • User Credentials: You will need to select a username and password during the account creation process. You must protect and maintain the confidentiality of these login details. Information about your account should not be disclosed to third parties. We must know immediately if you believe someone else has accessed your account without authorization.

User Sign-in:

  • Login Information: You will need to enter your selected password along with your registered email address or username to access your account on our website and application.
  • Security Practices: It is highly advised that you use a strong password made up of a mix of alphanumeric characters, symbols, and special characters. Furthermore, make sure your password is updated regularly and take precautions to prevent unauthorized access to your account.
  • Unauthorized Access: You acknowledge that you are responsible for any activities made on your account, whether they are permitted or not. Any activity carried out using your account credentials is your responsibility.

User Accountability:

If you create an account on our website or application, you are responsible for maintaining the security of your account and for all activities that occur under your account. If you suspect unauthorized access or a breach, you must inform us immediately.


While visiting this website you might tap on links to different sites and leave this Site. We give connections to different sites that might contain data that might be helpful or intriguing to you. We don’t embrace, nor are answerable for, the content, exactness, and availability of connected websites worked by outsiders or for any of your dealings with such outsiders. You are exclusively liable for your dealings with such outsiders and we urge you to peruse the terms of purpose and protection arrangements on such third-party websites.

Termination of License

We maintain whatever authority is needed to end your permit to utilize the website whenever, regardless of cause, and without notice. Upon end, you should stop all utilization of the website and erase or destroy any downloaded or printed materials from the site.

You understand and accept the terms of this license by using our website. Your license to use this website will expire if you do not agree with these terms or if you break them.

It is essential to specify in this “License to Use the Website” section what users are and are not allowed to do with the information and services on our website to maintain a polite and secure online community and safeguard our intellectual property rights.

Contact us

To contact us regarding these Terms or the operation of the Website itself, contact us at contact@wellfolks.co .

We only entertain psychological treatments and wellness programs. Psychiatry and medicine is not our domain of service.